
SONY DSCWelcome to our website. Lin and I have learned much from the building projects of others and we hope that our experience can help you with new ideas and lessons learned at our homestead in Fairfield, Iowa.

First a word about how to navigate this site. Below the pictures at the top of each page you see a list of our projects starting with “The Cob House”. Click on any of these to go to a page about that project. You can click on any picture to see a larger version except the pictures in the header.

hapellaConnections is a blog style page with posts about places where we have studied, great people we have met and whatever announcements are relevant to creating homes that increase our enjoyment of life.

lin3Finally, a word about how Lin and I work together. I’m the blogger and the structure builder. Lin has become adept at creating interior and exterior plasters with natural materials.

However, before any project starts I have learned to listen to Lin’s ideas and seek her design sense every step of the way. In the terminology of Human Design, she is the manifestor and I am the generator.

One comment

  1. Amazing creativity and you explain every step so anyone can understand it.

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